This is a simplified view. Entity Relationship Diagram Industry Email List The 3 most important steps for a simple identity resolution, based on SQL in your data warehouse: 1. Identify match keys You identify match keys to determine which fields and columns you will use. This Industry Email List determines which people, or other parts of the company, are the same within and between sources. A typical example of a match key is an email address and a surname. 2. Aggregate customer records The Industry Email List second step is to create a source lookup table that contains all customer records from the source tables.
Match and assign a unique customer ID As a final Industry Email List step, you take records that have the same match keys and that together generate a unique customer identifier for this group of customer records. We call this a customer ID. Any customer ID you generate Industry Email List can be used to link customer sources together as part of a data strategy. I describe what this looks like in Industry Email List practice in an article on Frankwatching about first-party data strategy in the headline “Using first-party data in a CDP”. As you add more resources, you can make them go through the same process by setting the appropriate rules and priorities for the resource.
Creating master data models for a central customer Industry Email List view To create your first customer view, you solved your first problem, which has to do with establishing the customer's identity, with identity resolution. You can then set up the data pipelines or ETL processes (or have them set up) to build the master models. To quickly create value, I recommend starting with a Industry Email List Customer → Transaction → Event framework. This framework creates the 3 most important objects from your source data. The image below shows what this type of modeling looks Industry Email List like. Klant →Transactie →Event framework Customers: table of your customers with the possibility to quickly add new fields.