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B.R.M Chronographs is happy to return to the island of beauty and to become once again the official Timekeeper of this mythical event that is the Tour de Corse Historique.
This French watch manufacturer has an unfailing passion for motor sports and shares the same values of competition and surpassing oneself. There is no doubt that this edition will be rich in great performances.

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Driven by the passion of motorsport, Events Corsica Racing puts at your service more than 30 years of experience in organizing rallies in the unique scenery that is Corsica, where the legend of the 10,000 curves was written.
Through its event, the Corsica GT Tour, you will alternate during 4 days between the discovery of the most beautiful landscapes of our island and special stages on closed roads for the pleasure of the perfect trajectory! 
Whether you are an expert or an amateur, you will live a unique driving experience. 
Next event, May 2023.


A new project enters the family of the Tour de Corse Historique!

MISTER MATERIAUX, a young French company initially specialized in the distribution of products and materials for construction professionals on the Internet, has become a partner of the Tour. With more than 25,000 references, their offer is also adapted to do-it-yourselfers or the automotive industry. Physically present in Lyon and Bordeaux, their great strengths are the attention they pay to the quality of the products they distribute and the performance of their logistics which ensures deliveries in 24 hours in metropolitan France and in 48/72 hours for Corsica.


A telephony specialist since 1994, CORSE GSM became the first independent Corsican operator in July 2020.
With 13 stores throughout the island, CORSE GSM offers packages tailored to all needs at very competitive prices and has a customer service based in Corsica.
Their advisors are waiting to determine the best mobile or fixed-line solutions for you!
Thanks to their long experience and an enthusiastic dynamism, their adventure has started on a high note. We are happy to count them among our partners.


Tour de Corse Historique - ORECA Store
ORECA Store is a reference in multi-channel sales, offering more than 65,000 references on a daily basis via its website, its catalog distributed in 30,000 copies, but also two stores and a presence on many national and international events. Today, more than 60 countries are supplied each year with products from over 250 brands.
Since 2020, ORECA Store is the equipment supplier of the FFSA licensees. A partnership driven by the common ambition to develop the accessibility of motorsport and to offer the best support to all enthusiasts and practitioners in their licensing process. Within the framework of this partnership and in total collaboration with the FFSA, ORECA Store sets up the most relevant offer and the associated advice for each licensee.  
To follow the news of ORECA Store :   


The Tour de Corse Historique... U Ghjiru di Tutti !
Corsica and Portivechju are historically associated with high level sports. Among the disciplines dedicated is, of course, the automobile sport.
Since the 50's, the Tour of Corsica is indeed an integral part of our history. 
It has impregnated our collective memory with its great champions, notably through the performances of the island drivers.
Over the years, the Tour has faced many challenges, to become one of the biggest events in the world of Historic. The number of 350 participants in 2021 is there to prove it!
A Cità di Portivechju, is particularly proud to be the epicenter. The municipal team, which I have the honor to lead, is particularly aware of the unlimited investment of dozens of people, who make every effort to ensure that the event takes place in the best possible conditions. 
Beyond these aspects, sporting and historical, there is an undeniable economic component. The spin-offs of the Tour de Corse Historique, in this month of October, are for us determining and contribute to a tourism at the same time diversified and annualized, valuing our skills and of course, the quality of our sites. In that also, U Ghjiru di Corsica Storicu deserves to be supported and properly accompanied.
Allora, più chè mai,
Evviva u Ghjiru di Corsica Storicu ! 
Evviva Portivechju !

Jean-Christophe ANGELINI

Le Maire

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ViTO Corse, avec 64 postes sur tout le territoire insulaire, est le leader des réseaux de stations-service en Corse.
Depuis l’origine, Notre Société s’est positionnée comme un partenaire actif du développement économique, social et culturel de son territoire.
L’objectif est de bâtir des partenariats durables et constructifs autour de projets qualitatifs, qui valorisent l’image d’une île dynamique et entreprenante.
Au cœur du monde de l’automobile, ViTO Corse est très impliquée pour accompagner les manifestations emblématiques insulaires. 
C’est donc tout naturellement et avec plaisir que nous soutenons un aussi bel évènement que le Tour de Corse Historique en 2023 et les années à venir.


SMTRT (Société Marseillaise de Transport et de Transit) is a transport company based in Marseilles, with an international scope thanks to road, rail/road and maritime links. It was created in 1946. Over the years, it has developed its network in the PACA region, in the center of France and in Paris, as well as in North Africa and Corsica. The "Ile de Beauté" is a major axis of development for SMTRT, which has established warehouses in Bastia and Ajaccio. At the head of this family business, Thomas Pellegrin, a motor sport enthusiast, took part in the Tour de Corse Historique for the first time in 2021 at the wheel of a 1970 Porsche 911 and intends to repeat the experience. Already involved in cultural partnerships in the PACA region, it is quite logical that the director of SMTRT has decided to become a partner of the Tour de Corse Historique, which he considers to be one of the major cultural events on the island.


Des spéciales du Tour de Corse Historique aux pistes glacées de Laponie, le plaisir du pilotage est tout aussi intense. Fondée par le pilote Philippe Gache, lequel s’est illustré sur des terrains aussi variés que les circuits des 24 Heures du Mans, de Monaco, d’Indianapolis, mais aussi les pistes du Dakar et des courses sur glace, la structure JPS propose une expérience de pilotage sur glace sans précédent. 
Situé sur le Cercle Polaire Arctique, ce centre offre un coaching individuel et personnalisé sur un terrain de jeu dessiné sur 1000 hectares au volant d'une BMW 330 E46 Maxi Groupe F.​


Since its creation in 1984, Radio Corsica Frequenza Mora has established itself as THE radio of Corsica. On its airwaves beats the heart of this land whose language, culture and values it promotes. RCFM is also the radio of the sport as a whole and the Tour de Corse Historique in particular. It is, therefore, logically one of our partners of first plan for many years.
This year again, the great RCFM game will punctuate the month of September in the colors of the Tour with many prizes to be won daily, a live monitoring of the rally on the site of RCFM and the race on the airwaves of the first Corsican radio.

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